AstraZeneca admits its Covishield vaccine might have rare side effects!

In the midst of recovery from global pandemic to returning to normal life in India, recent news sparks up that AstraZeneca admits that the vaccine widely distributed might have cases with rare side effects.

AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical giant behind the Covishield vaccine widely used in India, has acknowledged a rare but serious blood clotting side effect in a UK court filing. This admission has sparked concern among some Indians who received the Covishield vaccine.

Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) is a condition characterized by blood clots and low platelet count. While stressing the overall safety of the vaccine, AstraZeneca expressed sympathy for those affected by the rare side effect.

The company’s admission comes amidst ongoing legal action in the UK, where some claim to have suffered severe harm after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. In India, the opposition party AAP has criticized the government’s continued promotion of Covishield vaccination, citing initial reports of side effects.

The news has caused some anxiety, with a group claiming a relative died from complications after receiving Covishield in 2021 planning legal action. Health experts, however, emphasize the extreme rarity of TTS and the overwhelming benefits of vaccination in preventing COVID-19.